Ask for H E L P. | God's World News


Ask for H E L P.

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    The men spelled out “HELP” with palm fronds on Pikelot Island. (U.S. Coast Guard photo)
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    A boat crew rescues the three sailors. (U.S. Coast Guard photo)
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    Three other men got stuck on Pikelot in 2020. They also made a signal for help. (U.S. Coast Guard)
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    Only a little over 1,000 people live on Puluwat Atoll. (NASA)
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    This map shows where Puluwat and Pikelot are in the ocean. (Stock)
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Oh no!  How will the men get home?  Their boat has a great big hole.

They land on an island.  Here is a good idea.  Get big leaves.  Spell a word on the beach.  Hello, help!

Pray: Thank God for sending help to the lost men.  Thank Him for rescuing us from sin.

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Three men left Puluwat Atoll, Micronesia, in late March. (An atoll is a ring-shaped island.) They went fishing. A coral reef tore a hole in their boat. The sailors landed on an island called Pikelot (PICK-uh-loe). No one lives there. The men gathered palm leaves. They wrote four huge letters in the sand: H-E-L-P. The men waited more than a week. Pilots in planes saw the word. A Coast Guard ship picked up the men.

“When he calls to me, I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue him.” (Psalm 91:15)