Birds take flying lessons. | God's World News

Birds take flying lessons.

  • 1 Ibis migration
    A human guide leads northern bald ibis and cheers them with a bullhorn. (Waldrappteam Conservation & Research via AP)
  • 2 Ibis migration
    People lead northern bald ibis from Austria to Italy. (Waldrappteam Conservation & Research via AP)
  • 3 Ibis migration
    The pilots ride in aircraft that look like flying go-carts with yellow parachutes. (Waldrappteam Conservation & Research via AP)
  • 4 Ibis migration
    Northern bald ibis almost became extinct. Now their numbers are growing. (Waldrappteam Conservation & Research via AP)
  • 5 Ibis migration
    People hope there will be more than 350 northern bald ibis by 2028. (Waldrappteam Conservation & Research via AP)
  • 1 Ibis migration
  • 2 Ibis migration
  • 3 Ibis migration
  • 4 Ibis migration
  • 5 Ibis migration

Follow me!  Older birds show young ones where to fly.  What if there are no older birds?  People show the way. 

Once there were few of these birds left.  People work to save them.  

Pray: Thank God for people who help His creatures live and grow.

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The northern bald ibis once flew over North Africa, Arabia, and much of Europe. Many people hunted the birds for meat. They almost became extinct. People began to protect these ibis in 2002. Their numbers grew from almost zero to almost 300. The feathered friends cannot migrate without the help of older birds. Baby birds get human guides. The guides lead the birds in machines. These look like flying go-carts! They direct the young ones to warmer spots for winter. 

“For your name’s sake you lead me and guide me.” (Psalm 31:3)

For more on animal travels, see Migration: Incredible Animal Journeys by Mike Unwin in our Recommended Reading.