Buzzing bees guard the land. | God's World News

Buzzing bees guard the land.

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    A man checks his beehives in a forest of mangroves. Farmers in Kenya use bees to keep elephants away. Loggers who cut down trees also stay away from bees. (AP/Gideon Maundu)
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    People move into spaces where elephants roam. Elephants eat farmers’ crops. Bees keep them away. (AP/Brian Inganga)
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    Farmers who keep bees make more money. They sell the bees’ wax and honey. (AP/Gideon Maundu)
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    Kenya Wildlife Service workers release elephants at a national park. (AP/Brian Inganga)
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How do you keep an elephant out of your garden?  Get bee guards.    

Elephants do not like the sound of bees buzzing.  They do not like stings.  Bees keep farmers’ crops safe. 

Pray: Thank God for bees.  Thank Him for their honey and the ways they protect land. 

Read More: 
The University of Oxford in England joined wildlife workers in Kenya. They teamed up to fix an elephant challenge. More people settle across the land. That takes away space from roaming elephants. The huge beasts gobble crops. Farmers string together beehives between posts. Elephants have thick skin. But bee stings around their eyes, mouths, and trunks hurt. Most of them stay away. Farmers make more money by selling honey and wax. 

“And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there He put the man whom He had formed.” (Genesis 2:8)