Chew food like a lion. | God's World News

Chew food like a lion.

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    An old male lion yawns in Kenya. Cameras wouldn’t pick up that sound well. So a person might add the sound later for a video. (AP/Ben Curtis)
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    What sound does a walking elephant make? Foley artist Joo Fuerst can make all kinds of sounds. Here he uses a boxing glove and a punching bag. (Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/picture-alliance/dpa/AP)
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    Foley artist Ruth Sullivan waves gloves. They sound like flapping wings. (Metropolitan Opera)
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    Foley artists make sounds for videos. Joo Fuerst records noises in his studio. (Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/picture-alliance/dpa/AP)
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You curl up to watch a show about animals.  Chomp, chomp.   A lion eats meat.  Thud, thud.   An elephant walks.  Flap, flap.   Birds fly.  Who made those sounds?  People!

Would you like that job?

Pray: Thank God for the animals He made and the gift of sound.

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You might get in trouble if you chomp your dinner like a hyena. But some people get paid to act like animals. Shows about critters often use film footage taken from far away. Cameras cannot capture sounds well. People called Foley artists make the sounds. Pat rocks on soil. That sounds like an elephant walking. Pitter-patter fingers on water. That sounds like a fish jumping across a lake. Ruffle leather gloves together. That sounds like the flutter of birds’ wings.

The Bible calls all beasts and flying birds to praise the Lord! (Psalm 148:10)