Clean up with buddies. | God's World News

Clean up with buddies.

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    Mike Scotland poses with his family. They clean up trash together. (Courtesy of Mike Scotland)
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    Children pick up garbage at a playground. (Courtesy of Mike Scotland)
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    People of all ages pick up litter with “Community cleanUP.” (Courtesy of Mike Scotland)
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    Many volunteers with “Community cleanUP” gather trash on a beach. (Courtesy of Mike Scotland)
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    Mr. Scotland’s daughter, Milana, helps with the cleanup. (Courtesy of Mike Scotland)
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  • 4 Trash therapy 420638387 10159289946127273 332677897734436262 n
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Mr. Scotland felt sad.  He saw trash near a river.  He got 3 bags.  A person on a bike stopped to help.  They picked up garbage.  They became friends. 

Now many people clean together. 

Pray: Thank God for the friends we make when we serve. 

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Mike Scotland lives in Aberdeen, Scotland. He struggles with sadness. One day he gathered trash at the River Don. He made a friend. The two enjoyed cleaning together. Mr. Scotland started “Community cleanUP.” Volunteers cleaned the land around the river each week. They gathered 30,000 pounds of litter. Now otters swim upstream for the first time in 40 years. A storm washed up much garbage last year. Mr. Scotland spent weeks asking volunteers to help. About 350 people removed more than 400 bags of waste. 

“Through love serve one another.” (Galatians 5:13)