Do you look at the stars? | God's World News


Do you look at the stars?

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    Bill Donahue, a retired teacher, uses an old tool called an "armillary sphere" to track planetary rotations in Santa Fe, N.M. (AP)
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    The instrument is a copy of one made by Danish astronomer who lived hundreds of years ago named Tycho Brahe. (TIE-ko BRA-hee) ((AP)
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    The measurements marked down helped the astronomer measure the distances he saw in the sky. (AP)
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    Bill Donahue, and student Devin Ketch look at the armillary sphere to see the stars. (AP)
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    God created the stars in the sky, and gives us to make tools to see them close-up!
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God's Big WORLD | Ages 3-6 | $35.88 per year

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This shiny batch of circles helps college students watch stars. It is like a tool used long ago.

There were no telescopes [TELL-uh-skopes] back then. These students learn to watch stars without them.


READ MORE: Tycho Brahe [TY-koh BRAH-hee] lived long ago in Denmark. He studied the stars. He used his eyes and tools that he built. This tool is an armillary [arm-ill-air-ee]. It is exactly like the one he used. It was made for students at St. John’s College in New Mexico. It helps students learn how stargazing was done long ago. Tycho Brahe looked at the same stars we see. Psalm 147:4 tells us that God “determines the number of the stars; He gives to all of them their names.”


Lesson #4: Stargazing. Perhaps you already are beginning to think about summer break and things you can do as a family. Maybe the Tycho Brahe story will encourage you to try stargazing. You might have to travel a ways to escape bright lights if you live in a city. Even if you simply retreat to your backyard, you’ll need to make some preparations (pillows and blankets or reclining lawn chairs, insect repellant, snacks, and sweaters for cooler temps after dark). Sean Walker at also suggests having red flashlights (cover the white light portion with a piece of red cellophane and secure with a rubber band). An evening spent this way under the stars will help your children (and you) realize the immensity of God’s creation. “His understanding is beyond measure.” (Psalm 147:5)