Eagles go to the doctor. | God's World News

Eagles go to the doctor.

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    This sick eagle gets help at a hospital for birds. The hospital is called the Raptor Center. (Courtesy of The Raptor Center via AP)
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    Vets helped these two sick bald eagles. (Courtesy of The Raptor Center via AP)
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    Eagles hunt for prey. They also eat dead animals. They help clean up the world. (AP/Lincoln Karim)
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    Eagles have sharp beaks. (123RF)
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    Eagles have strong talons. They grab food. (123RF)
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The birds got very sick.  Why?  Someone put poisoned animals in the garbage. 

Eagles ate the bad trash.  Three died.  Most will live.  Vets give them good care.   

Pray: God gives us jobs to do well. Ask God to help you work with all your heart.

Read More: People found eagles beside a landfill near Minneapolis, Minnesota. The birds lay facedown in the snow. They didn’t move. Workers took the birds to the intensive care unit at the University of Minnesota Raptor Center. They think the birds ate euthanized animals. It is dangerous to dump that kind of trash. Even taking out the garbage can be done in a right or wrong way. Rescuers worked hard to save the birds. 

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10)