Fireflies need dark nights. | God's World News


Fireflies need dark nights.

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    Fireflies flash their lights. They need dark nights to find each other.
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    Turning lights off can help fireflies.
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    Fireflies flash in the woods. (AP/Rebecca Blackwell)
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    A firefly rests on a leaf.
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    Fireflies are also called lightning bugs. (AP/Rebecca Blackwell)
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Did you see fireflies this summer? Maybe your yard was dark. Fireflies need that.

They cannot see each other when yard lights, house lights, and streetlights shine brightly. They will not mate. New fireflies will not hatch.

Read More: Firefly males dance in a dark yard. They flash yellow-green. Females hide in undergrowth. They flash back to a male they like. But fireflies might not be able to see each other’s flashes if human lights are too bright. What can people do? Experts say that we should not leave yard lights on all night. They say that monochrome red LED lights are best to use in yards. Fireflies do not pay attention to those. Genesis 1:14-19 tells us about God’s creation of the stars, Sun, and Moon. Those lights do not bother fireflies.