Fossil tracks were found in the Grand Canyon. | God's World News

Fossil tracks were found in the Grand Canyon.

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    Workers look at the footprints. (AP)
  • 2 Grand Canyon Fossil
    The footprints might be from a lizard. (AP)
  • 3 Grand Canyon Fossil
    The tracks were found in the Grand Canyon. (AP)
  • 4 Grand Canyon Fossil
    Many long-ago things became fossils. This is a fish fossil. (AP)
  • 1 Grand Canyon Fossil 0
  • 2 Grand Canyon Fossil
  • 3 Grand Canyon Fossil
  • 4 Grand Canyon Fossil


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A cliff caved in. A boulder fell. Hikers saw footprints in the rock.

Scientists had not seen them before. Could the prints be from a long-ago lizard?

Read More: A huge rock broke off in the Grand Canyon. A geology teacher from Norway saw animal tracks in the rock. He sent pictures to Professor Steve Rowland in Nevada. Dr. Rowland thinks a lizard-like creature made the tracks. Scientists need to learn more before they know for sure. God is not puzzled about what creature made those tracks. He knows when it happened too. God knows everything. See 1 John 3:20.