Fossils look like rocks. | God's World News

Fossils look like rocks.

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    Four mammal skulls collected from Corral Bluffs, Colorado. They have big names! From left: Loxolophus, Carsioptychus, Taeniolabis, Eoconodon. (AP)
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    These plant fossils helped determine how and when Earth’s forest rebounded after the mass extinction event. (AP)
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    The Corral Bluffs, Colorado, area has about 300 vertical feet of rock and preserves evidence of dinosaurs in its hard yellow sandstone and mudstones. (AP)
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    A close-up of a fern fossil (AP)
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    These are some of the mammal skull fossils retrieved from Corral Bluffs. (AP)
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Fossils once held parts of a dead plant or animal in them.

Scientists thought there were no fossils at Corral Bluffs. They were wrong!

They dug up hundreds! What had happened to these plants and animals?


READ MORE: Tyler Lyson, Ian Miller, and some volunteers were looking for fossils at Corral Bluffs, outside of Colorado Springs, Colorado, three years ago. They weren’t expecting to find much. Surprise! The fossils now are at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Many scientists believe that something happened to kill all life in part of the world, long, long ago. The Bible says in Genesis 6 that people were wicked. God sent a flood upon the Earth when Noah lived.