Grab a nutty treat.
Farmers have gone nuts. They grow pistachios (puh-STA-shee-ohs). These nuts need less rain.
More folks snack on them. Add salt and pepper. Roast them with honey. Yum!
Pray: Thank God for trees that can grow with little rain.
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Move over, almonds. California farmers grow more pistachios. The nuts survive droughts. That is good in a state that often does not get much rain. The wind pollinates the trees. They do not need bees. They can make nuts for decades longer than other trees. The United States sells the most pistachios to other countries. Many nuts go to China. They are a treat in the Lunar New Year. Americans snack on them more too.
Jacob urged his sons to take a gift to Egypt. It included honey, almonds, and pistachios. (Genesis 43:11)