He is the top dog. | God's World News

He is the top dog.

  • 1 Bo the hound PFZ Ey ENM
    Sergeant David Rowland poses with Bo. Bo won the American Humane Dog Hero Award. (American Humane)
  • 2 Bo the hound DP Csg4y I
    Bo came to work with the police as a puppy. That was in 2023. (American Humane)
  • 3 Bo the hound g Zp Jh Yds
    Bo poses with a police flag. (American Humane)
  • 4 Bo the hound lf HNJL5 Y
    Sergeant David Rowland enjoys working with Bo. (American Humane)
  • 5 Bo the hound OJVE Woy I
    Bo sniffs out missing people. He tracks down those who commit crimes. (American Humane)
  • 6 Bo the hound d rc Cl KI
    Bo works with police in Gastonia, North Carolina. (American Humane)
  • 1 Bo the hound PFZ Ey ENM
  • 2 Bo the hound DP Csg4y I
  • 3 Bo the hound g Zp Jh Yds
  • 4 Bo the hound lf HNJL5 Y
  • 5 Bo the hound OJVE Woy I
  • 6 Bo the hound d rc Cl KI


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Bo is a hound dog.  He works with police.  He won a prize for best dog.  

Sniff, sniff.  Bo finds lost people.  He tracks down those who do crimes.  He is a hero!

Pray:  Thank God for making dogs that help police keep people safe. 

Read More: 
The 14th annual American Humane Hero Dog Award goes to a bloodhound. Bo is not quite two. He joined a K-9 Unit in Gastonia, North Carolina, in 2023. Sergeant David Rowland is a police officer. He works with Bo. Bo found a missing 11-year-old child. He sniffed out robbers. He followed the trail of a missing elderly patient on a cold winter night last year. We are lost when we stray from God. He tracks us down with His love. 

“The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10)

For more about smart police dogs, see Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann in our Recommended Reading.