Her tank got a ride. | God's World News

Her tank got a ride.

  • 1 walker
    Emmett tries out her new walker in the classroom with the students who built it.
  • 2 walker
    Students help adjust the grip that holds her oxygen tank.
  • 3 walker
    One of the first versions of the walker.
  • 4 walker
    Students brainstorm to figure out what needs to be a part of the walker.
  • 5 walker
    An early version, that has oxygen on the side instead.
  • 1 walker
  • 2 walker
  • 3 walker
  • 4 walker
  • 5 walker


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Look at Emmett go!

Her parents had to keep up. They carried the oxygen tank that helps Emmett breathe.

Kids met Emmett. They shared big ideas. They used a printer to create a hook. It holds the tank so that Mr. and Mrs. H don’t have to. 


READ MORE: Emmett needs help walking and breathing. But that doesn’t stop her. “She is full of spunk,” says her mom. Her parents followed her around with an oxygen tank and tubes. Sixth grade teacher Ben Davis saw Emmett and had an idea. “My class can help!” His students got to work. Teams designed clips to hold an oxygen tank. They used a 3-D printer to make the plastic clips. This project reminded Mr. Davis of Mark 10:14. “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them.”