Here comes spring! | God's World News

Here comes spring!

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    Growers handed out bunches of tulips in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (AP/Peter Dejong)
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    Stores had just re-opened. COVID had kept them closed. (AP/Peter Dejong)
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    The flowers brought joy to the city. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)
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    People wait on bridges. People on the boat toss them tulips. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)
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    Growers sail on a boat through the canals. (AP/Peter Dejong)
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Winter was ending. Rows upon rows of tulips [too-lips] began to grow in Holland.

Farmers gave free bunches of tulips to people.  What a cheery thing to do!

Read: Thank God that He makes beautiful flowers to appear on the Earth.

Read More: The Netherlands is often called “Holland.” Farmers there grow thousands of colorful tulips each spring. Most of Holland’s people had been in a COVID lockdown for much of winter. They came outside on National Tulip Day. Grateful farmers handed out bunches and bunches of tulips along the canals in the capital city of Amsterdam. God promised Noah in Genesis 8:22, “While the Earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”