Hold your horses.
Braid your horse’s hair. Trot around the room. Jump hurdles. Dance and prance. Your horse never gets tired. Why? It is a hobby horse!
More people go to hobby horse contests these days.
Pray: Thank God for the fun of running and jumping with friends.
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Do you own a horse? If not, no problem. You can still be in a horse competition. Buy or make a hobby horse. Contests are all over the world. Nearly 50 kids went to a competition in St. Petersburg, Russia, in April. They guided their stick ponies over hurdles. Some hobby horse contests invite people to do prancing routines. Horse toys have been around a long time. Children played with wheeled horses hundreds of years ago.
“Then loud beat the horses’ hoofs with the galloping, galloping of his steeds.” (Judges 5:22)