How does His garden grow? | God's World News

How does His garden grow?

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    Visitors take photos. This field is in Lancaster, California. (AP/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
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    Many flowers grew this year. (AP/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
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    The superbloom stretches far. (Kirby Lee via AP)
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    A visitor sits on a hillside filled with poppies. (AP/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
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    This map shows how dry the United States was in 2021. Red and orange areas were the driest. (NASA)
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Seeds hid deep in the soil. A lot of snow and rain fell from the sky. Pop! Plants burst from the ground in spring.

God can grow flowers even in the desert!

Pray: God gives rain and flowers every spring and summer. Thank Him for such gifts of beauty.

Read More: A three-year drought in California ended last winter. Record amounts of snow and rain flooded the land. Native seeds in the ground perked up. It’s superbloom time! Orange poppies sprouted in Arizona’s deserts. Hillside daisies shot up in Bakersfield, California. People took pictures of the area from space last year. It looked dry and brown. Now the pictures are a splash of vibrant colors. Endangered birds also nest near flooded fields.

“If God so clothes the grass of the field . . . will He not much more clothe you?” (Matthew 6:30)