How does the doctor listen to your heart?
“Lub-dub. Lub-dub.” A stethoscope helps doctors hear a beating heart.
The very first one was a wooden tube. Then stethoscopes had two ear-pieces. They had a flat “bell” to put on your chest.
New stethoscopes are held in the hand. Some show pictures of the heart and how it beats.
READ MORE: A doctor 200 years ago would put his head on a person’s chest to hear the heart beat. French physician René Laennec invented the first chest examiner. It was a long wooden tube. Scientists today are inventing new ways to listen to and see the heart. Some use a smartphone app. Others use ultrasound. Will doctors stop using traditional stethoscopes? Many say, “No.” Hear good news from Psalm 73:26, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart.”
Lesson #6. Simple Stethoscope. Let your children make their own stethoscopes ( Or provide each child with an empty toilet paper tube. These are similar to the very first instruments ever used to hear a beating heart. Pair them with another child. Have them listen to each other’s resting hearts beat. Then ask them to do something a bit more physical (stand up and sit down) and listen to each other’s hearts again. Finally, have them do jumping jacks or run down a hall and back. What do their hearts sound like now? How is what their doctor uses like these simple stethoscopes? How is it different?