Is that a snowman in space? | God's World News

Is that a snowman in space?

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    This image from NASA is of Arrokoth, the farthest object in the Solar System ever to be visited by a spacecraft. (AP)
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    It is in an asteroid field called “the Kuiper belt” which is about 1 billion miles beyond Pluto. (AP)
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    The spacecraft, New Horizons saw Arrokoth, as it passed by and sent those images back to Earth.
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    This illustration from NASA show how Arrokoth orbited close to the spacecraft, so it could get a clear picture of the object. (NASA)
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    God created the heavens and the earth, and the Bible says he calls each one of those stars by name!
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Scientists named this object Arrokoth. A very large city would fit on it.

Its home is far beyond Pluto. That is far, far, far away from Earth.


READ MORE: The New Horizons spacecraft was launched 14 years ago. Now it is billions of miles from Earth. It took over one year for clear images of a little orbiting body to reach Earth. The object looks like a red snowman. Scientists have named it Arrokoth. The name means “sky” in the Native American Powhatan language. It is the most distant object ever explored by a spacecraft from Earth. Nehemiah 9:6 tells us, “You are the Lord, you alone. You have made the heaven of heavens, with all their host.”