It is F-A-S-T! | God's World News

It is F-A-S-T!

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    China’s new maglev train is the fastest train in the world. (AP)
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    Maglev trains use magnets to hover above the tracks. (123RF)
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    This is a test maglev train in Germany. (AP/Focke Strangmann)
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    This is a test maglev train in Japan. Japan is working on an even faster train. (AP/Chiaki Tsukumo)
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    China already had older, slower maglev trains, like this one. (AP/Eugene Hoshiko)
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Whishhhh! Did you see that? China has built the fastest train in the world.

Magnetic force pushes the train up a bit. It rides on air. It is called a maglev.

Read More: Do you play with magnets? Do they push apart sometimes? Maglev trains are held above the tracks by something called “magnetic levitation.” It stops friction. Friction is the rubbing together of the train’s wheels on the track. Friction slows the train down. This train can whiz along faster than any other land vehicle—for now. It can zoom around 370 miles per hour. Japan is working on a maglev train that will be even faster. People are always working to make things bigger, better, and faster. We can do these things because we were created “in the image of God.” (Genesis 1:27)