It is the little house that could. | God's World News

It is the little house that could.

  • 1 Hurricane proof
    Bonny Paulson stands in front of her home in Mexico Beach, Florida. Her house was not harmed by Hurricane Michael in 2018. (AP/Laura Bargfeld)
  • 2 Hurricane proof
    Look for Ms. Paulson’s yellow home in the middle. What happened to most of the other houses? (AP/Gerald Herbert)
  • 3 Hurricane proof
    Emily Francois walks through floodwater beside her damaged home after Hurricane Ida in 2021. (AP/John Locher)
  • 4 Hurricane proof
    Workers build a home that can handle storms and strong winds. (AP/Chris Carlson)
  • 5 Hurricane proof
    Wind blows around houses made in oval or round shapes. (AP/Chris Carlson)
  • 1 Hurricane proof
  • 2 Hurricane proof
  • 3 Hurricane proof
  • 4 Hurricane proof
  • 5 Hurricane proof


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A storm came near Ms. P’s home.  Her house is high off the ground.  Waves piled cars up to the windows!  Her place was fine.

The home has a curved shape.  Winds blow around it.

Pray: Thank God for people who make wise designs for homes.

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Deltec is a building company in Asheville, North Carolina. Workers made Bonny Paulson’s home in Mexico Beach, Florida. Deltec built nearly 1,400 homes over the past 30 years. Only one has been damaged by a hurricane. Deltec put Ms. Paulson’s home on pillars 14 feet above ground. Workers built her house curved. It looks like a ship. Hurricane Michael hit Florida five years ago. Ms. Paulson lost only a few shingles.

Jesus said the way we can have a strong home is to build our lives on His words. (Matthew 7:24-25)