It is wet and muddy work. | God's World News

It is wet and muddy work.

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    Villagers pluck water chestnuts from a pond in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh state, India. (AP)
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    Workers earn about 250 Rupees ($3.50 USD) a day after spending 5-6 hours harvesting the aquatic vegetable (AP)
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    Villagers spend time picking up the vegetable that grows mostly in stagnant water. (AP)
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    Villagers sort through a large pile of water chestnuts. (AP)
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    Women paddle boats full of shelled water chestnuts. (AP)
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Crunchy white water chestnuts grow in muddy ponds.

Workers use small wooden boats. They pull long thorny stalks from the water. They pluck off knobby brown fruit.

They bag the nuts. Then they sell them. 


READ MORE: Water chestnuts are not really nuts. Some say they are a vegetable. Others call them a fruit. Americans get them out of cans from the supermarket. People in China and other places in Asia grow them. This pond is near Kanpur, India. Large green leaves float on the water. The “nuts” grow underwater. People are not paid much to do this hard work. But Luke 10:7 says, “For the laborer deserves his wages.”