It was a Pogopalooza! | God's World News

It was a Pogopalooza!

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    Flynn Nyman, from Oregon, performs during Pogopalooza, The World Championships of Pogo in Pennsylvania. (AP)
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    Tyler Phillips, from Florida, stays cool in the competitor’s tent between performances. (AP)
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    Steven Bennett, from Massachusetts, does a flip during The World Championships of Pogo. (AP)
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    Biff Hutchison, of Idaho, makes a face while concentrating on his jumps. (AP)
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    Fred Grzybowski, from Massachusetts, does a fancy dismount from his pogo stick. (AP)
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They bounced high.

They bounced low.

Some danced in the sky.

Each bounced on a pogo.

Some did flips.

Others flopped.

Some did tricks.

None wanted to stop.

Don’t try this at home.

You could break a bone.

OR practice hard.

Become a pogo star!


READ MORE: The World Championships of pogo bounced into Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Extreme pogo athletes showed their tricks. They call it a “pogopalooza.” Visitors could try pogo sticking too. George Hansburg invented the first all-metal pogo stick with an enclosed spring 100 years ago. Now pogo athletes use sticks that have air springs. Psalm 9:2 reminds us to “sing praise to your name, O Most High.” God gives us the ability to make things and to play.