It was feast time for sea lions.
Many small fish swam near a pier. Many sea lions came to gobble them.
Bark, bark! Sea lions fight over food. They sprawl in the sun. People have not seen this many in years.
Pray: Thank God that He provides food for each kind of creature He made.
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People are used to seeing sea lions gather near Pier 39 in San Francisco, California. Tourists count more than 100 on most days. But they saw more than 1,000 one week in May! That is the most spotted in 15 years. The hungry mammals followed a huge school of anchovies. Dinner time! Sea lions are related to walruses and seals. They are called eared seals because they have ear flaps. These big eaters did not stay at the pier long. They keep swimming to find more tasty treats.
“He gives to the beasts their food.” (Psalm 147:9)