It was hidden in frozen ground. | God's World News

It was hidden in frozen ground.

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    Can you find the woolly rhino in this cave drawing? A farmer found one in the ground. (AP/Claude Paris)
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    Can you tell what this is? It is the frozen woolly rhino. (AP)
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    The rhino was frozen in icy ground. (AP)
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    These are the bones of a woolly rhino. (Didier Descouens/CC BY-SA 4.0)
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    Woolly rhinos had thick hair. (Szymon Górnicki/CC BY-SA 4.0)
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God created woolly rhinos. They lived long, long ago. Scientists dug one up in a frozen part of Russia.

It had hair, a lump of fat, and a horn that had fallen off.

Read More: Siberia is a part of Russia that is icy and cold in winter. The ground stays frozen all year long. That is called “permafrost.” The permafrost melted some in Siberia last August. That is how scientists found the extinct animal. Woolly rhinos had a longer head and shorter legs than today’s rhinos. They had two horns and a big hump of fat. That helped when they could not dig up grasses under the snow. Genesis 1:25 says, “And God made the beasts of the Earth according to their kinds.”