It was long overdue. | God's World News


It was long overdue.

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    Laura Keller holds up the book Coins You Can Collect. She is the library director. (AP/Dave Scherbenco)
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    The book was returned after 50 years. There was a letter and $20 with it. (AP/Dave Scherbenco)
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    Plymouth Public Library is in Plymouth, Pennsylvania. (Plymouth Public Library/Facebook)
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    Libraries have books for everyone. (Pixabay)
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    Do you check out books from a library? (Pixabay)
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A girl checked this book out of a library. That was years and years ago!

The girl grew up. She still had the book. Finally! She sent it back to the library.

Read More: The girl who checked out Coins You Can Collect did not know her family was moving away from Pennsylvania and the Plymouth Public Library. The book was packed with all her other books. She planned to send it back. But time passed—50 years! The woman finally mailed the book to the library. She sent a letter to say, “Sorry.” She also sent $20. That was not nearly enough to pay her fines. But it did pay for someone else’s. Matthew 5:42 says, “Do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.”