It’s an outdoor story time. | God's World News


It’s an outdoor story time.

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    Percibald Garcia uses a microphone to read children’s stories aloud to kids in an apartment complex in Mexico City. (AP)
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    The young architect sets out every afternoon with a microphone and a loudspeaker to walk the neighborhood. (AP)
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    People listen from a bench as Percibald reads children’s books aloud outside. (AP)
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    He reads stories to help children who are stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic. (AP)
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    The children wave from an apartment building in Mexico City. (AP)
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Lots of kids live in Mexico City. The virus keeps them indoors.

Mr. G. stands outside each week. He reads stories. What fun for all!


READ MORE: Many children in Mexico City live in big apartment buildings. But the coronavirus keeps kids indoors. Percibald Garcia thinks that is sad. He says kids need to imagine things, not look at phones and tablets. He brings a microphone and some books each Saturday. He stands in the grass and reads. Grownups and kids come to the windows. They love hearing the stories. Psalm 119:105 tells us that God’s word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. What Bible stories do you like to hear?