Kelp helps otters. Otters help kelp. | God's World News

Kelp helps otters. Otters help kelp.

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    Otters saved the day! They keep sea urchins from eating too much kelp. (stock)
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    Otters saved the day! They keep sea urchins from eating too much kelp. (stock)
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    Sea otters swim together. (AP/Eric Risberg)
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    A sea otter dives at an aquarium in California. The aquarium sent rescued otters to the bay. (AP/Eric Risberg)
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    An otter cleans itself in the water. (AP/Paul Sakuma)
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Kelp forests grow in the ocean near California [kali-for-nee-aa]. Purple sea urchins gulp kelp.

Sea otters swim through the kelp. They eat the sea urchins.

Read More: Kelp are large brown algae. They like the cool shallow water along the U.S. west coast. And God made kelp forests to be a home for seals, whales, sea otters, and many other animals. These algae were being eaten up by purple sea urchins. But more than 100 sea otters now live in California’s Monterey Bay. They love to chomp sea urchins. The otters help save the kelp. “For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God,” says Psalm 86:10.