Long live the Queen! | God's World News

Long live the Queen!

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    Queen Elizabeth II cuts a cake. (Joe Giddens/Pool via AP)
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    Soldiers fire a gun salute. They were celebrating the Queen. (Jonathan Brady/PA via AP)
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    Queen Elizabeth II sits on a throne. She had just been crowned queen. (AP)
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    These pictures show the Queen 40 years apart. (AP, Arthur Edwards)
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    The Queen is known for wearing bright colors. Why? So people can spot her in crowds. (AP Illustration)
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Count by 10s.  Can you get to 70?  Elizabeth has been the Queen of the United Kingdom for that many years!

People have planned a 4-day party.  The Queen should rest up.  It will be a big event.

Pray: for “kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

Read More: The party in Great Britain will take place from June 2 to June 5. There will be a ceremony of thanksgiving for the Queen’s service to the countries that are part of the Commonwealth of Nations (54 member states). Neighborhoods will hold parties. Anyone who is eight years old or older can enter a contest to come up with a new dessert. The winning dessert will be dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. And children can create a picture of their hopes for the future. Proverbs 21:1 reminds us that the king’s (or queen’s) heart “is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He will.”