Make fish feel at home. | God's World News

Make fish feel at home.

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    A cormorant fishing master is called an usho. The usho holds leashes tied to the necks and bodies of the birds. The fire wakes the ayu from their rock hiding places. (Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon)
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    This fishing master says, “Cormorants are my partners.” (Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon)
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    A fisherman sorts ayu. Storms and flood barriers cause smaller rocks and sand to fill the river bottom. Big ayu live under big rocks. (Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon)
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    A cormorant fisher works to catch fish on the Kiso River in Japan. (The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP)
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This bird catches fish for people.  It eats tiny fish.  People take the big ones.

Storms and weather can harm fish homes.  That means there are fewer fish to catch.  How can people help?

God will give people wisdom to make safe homes for fish. Then people and birds can catch fish and feast!

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The Japanese have used cormorants to catch ayu river fish for 1,300 years. Fishers hang baskets of burning logs over the Nagara River. The light and heat draw ayu out from under big rocks. Cormorants gobble small ones. They release bigger ayu into buckets. Storms can cause floods. People put up flood barriers at the river. Storms and barriers cause the river to fill with smaller rocks and sand. But big ayu like to hide under big rocks.

God told Adam and Eve to rule over the fish. How can we rule well? (Genesis 1:28)