Make the old car new. | God's World News

Make the old car new.

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    Kevin Erickson charges the new battery in his 50-year-old car. (AP/Thomas Peipert)
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    There used to be an engine here! Now there are batteries. (AP/Thomas Peipert)
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    Mr. Erickson put new Tesla brakes on his classic car. (AP/Thomas Peipert)
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    Sean Moudry turns a Ford Mustang into an electric car. The Mustang was made in 1965. (AP/Thomas Peipert)
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    More people are turning old cars into electric cars. Pat Dailey is one of them. (AP/Thomas Peipert)
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Listen to the old car hum.  It used to VROOM.  Now it has a quiet battery.

Many people love the look of old cars.  But they want cars to use less gas.  They change the engines.

Pray God helps us be creative and wise with cars so we enjoy and use them as a daily blessing.

Read More: Kevin Erickson lives in Colorado. He gets funny looks when he stops at charging stations. He drives a 1972 Plymouth Satellite. He replaced the old engine with battery packs, a motor, and  part of a frame from an old Tesla Model S. More people are making vintage cars electric. Mr. Erickson spent about $60,000 to convert his car. Should people spend that much money to change old cars? 

“The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.” (Psalm 24:1)