Plastic Man wants to help. | God's World News

Plastic Man wants to help.

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    Modou Fall dresses as Plastic Man. His sign says “No to plastic bags” in French. (AP/Leo Correa)
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    Plastic Man talks to people on the dirty beach. He tells them how they can help too. (AP/Leo Correa)
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    Boys play soccer on the beach. The sand is covered in trash. (AP/Leo Correa)
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    Trash gets into the ocean. (AP/Leo Correa)
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    Senegal banned some kinds of plastic. But that did not fix the problem. (AP/Leo Correa)
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Swish.  Crinkle.  Plastic Man walks in clothes made of food bags.  He teaches people to use less plastic. 

He is sad when he sees trash on the beach.  He wants Earth to be clean. 

Pray people will not throw plastic on the ground or in water. May we treat God’s creation with great care.

Read More: Mr. Modou Fall lives in Senegal, Africa. He started Clean Senegal. The group teaches people to reuse plastic and recycle. He began dressing in his Plastic Man clothes in 2011. The outfit turns heads. He travels to cities all over Senegal to show people the damage plastic can do. His wife and children support his work. Senegal passed a law in 2020 that banned some plastic products. 

May we honor God in how we care for Earth. He kindly gave Earth “to the children of man.” (Psalm 115:16)