Rain is needed here. | God's World News

Rain is needed here.

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    Lightning flashes in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (AP/Jon Gambrell)
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    Researchers built drones. They send electric shocks into clouds. (University of Bath)
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    The United Arab Emirates needs more rain. (University of Reading)
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    The Dubai Marina has water. But it is saltwater. Dubai has factories that turn saltwater into drinking water. (AP/Jon Gambrell)
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    There is another way to make raindrops fall. This plane sprays chemicals into clouds. (AP/Mustafa Quraishi)
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The U.A.E. is a desert country. It needs water. Scientists sent drones into the sky.

Zap! They hit clouds with shocks. Big rain drops fell.

Read More: The United Arab Emirates is mostly a desert. Only about 4 inches of rain fall each year. The country has plants that take salt out of ocean water. But the U.A.E. needs more fresh water. Scientists built four big drones. They sent them into clouds. They zapped water droplets in the clouds with electricity. That made some drops big enough to fall to the ground. Will such drones help this dry place? Psalm 147:8 says, “[The Lord] covers the heavens with clouds; He prepares rain for the Earth.”