Slime pops up in New York. | God's World News

Slime pops up in New York.

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    Sara Schiller stretches cloud slime during a preview of the slime museum in New York. (AP)
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    This timeline shows the history of slime in the Sloomoo Institute, an 8,000-square-foot museum dedicated to all things slime. (AP)
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    A museum staffer shows how slime works at one of the slime stations. (AP)
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    These bright powders help color slime in the “build a slime bar” in the museum. (AP)
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    Slime can smell like any scent is added to it. (AP)
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Are you going to New York City before May?

Visit the Sloomoo Institute. It is filled with slime fun!

Touch bowls of slime. Try a barefoot walk on a slime pond. See the glow-in-the-dark slime cove. Make your own slime.

Even Mom would like it. The mess is not in her kitchen!


READ MORE: The Sloomoo Institute is a museum about the size of one and a half NBA basketball courts. It opened in October and should be open for about six months. You can put on goggles and a poncho and get slimed. Make your own slime and add banana cream pie or Froot Loops scents. One sign of peace in God’s city is found in Zechariah 8:5. “And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets.”