Stay safe, friends. | God's World News

Stay safe, friends.

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    People watch as Taal Volcano erupts outside Manila, Philippines. (AP)
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    Motorcycles ride along an ash-covered road as they leave to find safer grounds. (AP)
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    Taal volcano spews ash in view from southern Philippines. (AP)
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    Residents clean ash outside their homes as Taal Volcano still spews more. (AP)
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    Families have to fight through ash to find safer ground. (AP)
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God's Big WORLD | Ages 3-6 | $35.88 per year

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The volcano spews ash. The ground rumbles. It is time to move. Villagers pack their bags. They need a safer place to live. Leaders will help them find new homes.


READ MORE: There is a volcano named Taal in the Philippines. It is on Volcano Island. Earthquakes crack the ground. Ash fills the sky. Hot rocks, lava, and gas could explode out of the volcano at any time. The island is not safe. Thousands of people have lived there for years. Now they must find a safer place to call home. God created Taal. Only He knows when the volcano will erupt. Psalm 104:32 reminds us that it is God “who looks on the Earth and it trembles, who touches the mountains and they smoke!” 

Lesson #8: Volcano!  We try not to make stories like the one on the Taal volcano frightening for children. Building their own volcano will give your children an idea about how heat and pressure work to make volcanoes erupt. Here’s one how-to: ( “The smoke of it went up like the smoke of a kiln, and the whole mountain trembled greatly.” (Exodus 19:18)