Stay strong, kings of the sky. | God's World News

Stay strong, kings of the sky.

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    A monarch butterfly rests on a goldenrod plant. (AP/Gene J. Puskar)
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    Monarch butterflies migrate in big groups like this one. (AP/Nic Coury)
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    A monarch rests on a milkweed plant. (AP/Carolyn Kaster)
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    A monarch caterpillar munches a milkweed leaf. (Julie Richards/Garden for Wildlife via AP)
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    A monarch butterfly flies to a Joe Pye weed. (AP/Robert F. Bukaty)
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There are not as many monarch (MON-ark) butterflies as there used to be.  The word “monarch” means a king or queen. 

People want to help.  They can give them safe homes and food.

Pray people will know how to give monarchs what they need to live and grow.

Read More: Monarch butterflies are famous for their bright orange wings. Some monarchs migrate farther than any other insect. They winter in Mexico. They fly thousands of miles to Canada in spring. Monarchs have families on the trip. Their offspring go to Mexico when summer ends. Scientists believe weather variations, pesticides, and loss of forests hurt monarchs. People can protect forests and plant milkweed. Monarch caterpillars need milkweed to eat. It is good to care for animals. The Bible teaches that all creatures are made by God and for Him. (Colossians 1:16)