That is a fun wake-up call! | God's World News


That is a fun wake-up call!

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    Isabella and her dad have a radio. They talked to an astronaut. (Courtesy Matthew Payne)
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    Kjell Lindgren is on the right in this picture. He was on the International Space Station. (NASA via AP)
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    Isabella says she would like to work for NASA one day. (Courtesy Matthew Payne)
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    This picture of Isabella is on the space station! (AMSA-UK)
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    Who do you like to talk to? (123RF)
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Isabella is 8.  Her dad woke her up at night.  He has a radio.  It lets him talk to people far away.

She got to speak with a man in space!

Pray: Thank God for times to talk with people. It is a blessing to make new friends near and far.

Read More: Isabella Payne lives in Kent, England. Her father, Matthew Payne, has a ham radio. Astronaut Dr. Kjell (Chel) Lindgren was aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS has a radio station. Sometimes astronauts on break call out to people on Earth. Mr. Payne heard Dr. Lindgren on the radio. Isabella got to say a quick hello. Dr. Lindgren says their call may be his “favorite contact so far.” Isabella hopes to work for NASA someday. The Bible teaches that God made heaven and Earth. He watches over all He has made. (Nehemiah 9:6)