The climb was too much for Daisy. | God's World News

The climb was too much for Daisy.

  • 220 St20 Bernard20recue20 AP6631620copy 0
    The helpers loaded Daisy carefully. They took good care of the big dog. (AP)
  • 201b20 St20 Bernard20 Rescue AP20208509970614 MOD
    Tired Daisy rode down the mountain on a stretcher. (AP)
  • 320 St20 Bernard20recue20 AP79780
    Down, down, down! It was a long trip. The rescuers worked hard! (AP)
  • 220 St20 Bernard20recue20 AP6631620copy 0
  • 201b20 St20 Bernard20 Rescue AP20208509970614 MOD
  • 320 St20 Bernard20recue20 AP79780


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Daisy loves her family. She climbed a mountain with them.

But she flopped down at the top. Her legs could not hold her. Rescuers carried Daisy to the bottom.

Read More: Poor Daisy. Her kind of dog often rescues people lost in snow. But Daisy needed help in July. The St. Bernard climbed Scafell (skaw-fell) Pike with her family. It is England’s highest mountain. Daisy is a heavy dog. Such a hike was too much for her legs. Her family called for help. The Wasdale Mountain Rescue team answered. They brought treats for Daisy. Then they put her on a stretcher and carried her safely down. It is good to take care of your animals. Read Proverbs 12:10 and Proverbs 27:23.