There was hidden treasure at a yard sale. | God's World News

There was hidden treasure at a yard sale.

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    Someone bought this bowl at a yard sale. It turned out to be very rare. (Sotheby’s/AP)
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    The bowl sold for a LOT of money! (Sotheby’s/AP)
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    The Yongle emperor owned the bowl long ago.
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    This “Fish Pond” bowl was made around the same time. (AP/Kin Cheung)
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    This Chinese bowl was made a few hundred years later. (AP/Vincent Yu)
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This small bowl was in a yard sale. A shopper knew something the seller did not.

An emperor in China had owned the bowl long ago! The shopper spent $35 on the bowl and sold it for much more.

Read More: A rare china bowl turned up at a yard sale near New Haven, Connecticut. Perhaps it had been owned by a family that did not know it was one of only seven left in the world. It is painted with lotus, peony, chrysanthemum, and pomegranate flowers. The bowl sold at auction for nearly $722,000. The bowls were made about 600 years ago for an emperor in China. Most of the six other bowls are in museums around the world. Read Matthew 13:44 about the hidden treasure of the kingdom of heaven.