They farm the old-fashioned way. | God's World News

They farm the old-fashioned way.

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    Stan Riebold drives a team of six Percheron mules as his grandson, Wyatt Erickson, holds on for the ride near Colfax, Washington. (AP)
  • 2 Horse Farming
    A grain truck drives by on a highway near a barley field as a team of mules pushes a combine. (AP)
  • 3 Horse Farming
    Six Percheron mules push a combine. Barley is caught in a wagon. This is part of a demonstration by a group that reminds people of old farming practices. (AP)
  • 4 Horse Farming
    Mark Speed pulls a traditional grain wagon with a pair of Brabant draft horses. Mr. Speed was helping members of the Palouse Empire Threshing Bee Association. (AP)
  • 5 Horse Farming
    Brennen Gonzalez, 14, uses a team of draft horses to plow land to prepare the soil for planting barley. (AP)
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  • 2 Horse Farming
  • 3 Horse Farming
  • 4 Horse Farming
  • 5 Horse Farming


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Fall is harvest time. Tractors, trucks, and other machines whirred and buzzed in most fields. But not in this one.

Horses pulled a planter last spring. Barley grew in the summer. Mules pushed a combine this fall.

These farmers like the old way of doing things. They don’t want to change.


READ MORE: Some farmers in the United States prefer the old way of farming. They do not use modern machines. They have horses and mules to pull the tools they use to plow, plant, cut, and harvest the grain. Some of these farmers live near Colfax, Washington. They want to keep the land the way it was farmed years ago. They want to teach others what they know. Deuteronomy 8:10 reminds us, “You shall bless the Lord your God for the good land He has given you.”