This bird set a world record. | God's World News

This bird set a world record.

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    The godwit flew for eleven days. He did not stop.
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    The godwit started in Alaska. He flew to New Zealand.
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    Godwits are fast birds. (Ian Kirk/CC BY 2.0)
  • 4 godwit
    The godwit flew over the ocean. Scientists tracked him. (Paul van de Velde/CC BY 2.0)
  • 1 godwit 0
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  • 3 godwit
  • 4 godwit


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Is it a jet? No! It is a fast bird! He flapped his long wings and soared through the sky. The little bird flew over the ocean. It took eleven days to fly across the world.

Read More: Did the bar-tailed godwit sleep while it flew across the globe? Why did he not get lost? Scientists are not sure. They tagged the godwit. The device connected to a satellite. The tracker showed the bird’s quick trip over the ocean. He flew from Alaska to New Zealand in world-record time! The sleek godwit will fly back to Alaska in March. Genesis 1:20 tells us, “And God said, ‘Let birds fly above the Earth across the expanse of the heavens.’”