This is some seahorse! | God's World News


This is some seahorse!

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    Carol Benge takes a picture with her seahorse Louie. (Carol Benge/AP)
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    Louie was sick. A vet school helped. (AP)
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    Vets put Louie into this hyperbaric chamber. (AP)
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    Louie was cured! (AP)
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    Now Louie is back home. (AP)
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Louie had gas bubble sickness. He could not swim well. He floated upside down.

Vets helped. They put Louie into a special (spesh-ul) room. No more bubbles! Louie can swim again!

Read More: Carol Benge is Louie’s owner. She took him to the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. The doctors checked Louie all over. They saw lots of bubbles on his tail. They tried something no one else had ever done for a seahorse. They put Louie into a small tank and placed it inside a hyperbaric chamber. That slowly put oxygen into Louie. The gas bubbles went away. God created every creature that moves in water. Read Genesis 1:21.