This looks like a jawbreaker. | God's World News

This looks like a jawbreaker.

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    This map of the moon made by the U.S. Geological Survey shows where different kinds of rocks on the moon are. (NASA)
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    NASA uses high powered telescopes like this one, on a volcano in Hawaii, to take high quality pictures of the Moon.
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    The Moon has many craters and valleys that we can see with the naked eye on Earth.
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    When astronauts landed on the Moon, they brought moon rocks back to Earth to study what kinds of rock they were.
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    If you have a telescope, you can stargaze at night to see the Moon closer!
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What is the Moon made of? We cannot see. 

Mapmakers used old and new pictures taken from space. They added color. Bedrock is tan. Craters are purple. Plains are blue. Lava is red.


READ MORE: Mapmakers from the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona, released new maps of the Moon in April. The colors stand for the materials and landforms like mountains, craters, ridges, rocks, and lava that make up the Moon. This new mapping could show where a spacecraft might land safely or where Moon explorers might find useful resources. Psalm 104:19 says, “He made the Moon to mark the seasons.”