Wash and return. | God's World News


Wash and return.

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    Loop will clean and reuse these Burger King containers. (North America Public Relations via AP)
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    This supermarket in France already sells Loop products. (North America Public Relations via AP)
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    This ad shows a reusable cup at McDonald’s restaurant. (North America Public Relations via AP)
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    This ice cream container is made from stainless steel. (Courtesy of Loop)
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    These bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and detergent are reusable. (Business Wire/AP)
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What about this?

Buy a burger. It is in a plastic box. Return the empty. You will get money back.

Loop company workers will collect and clean the boxes. We may use them again.

Pray: Praise God that He gives us the task of caring for our Earth.

Read More: The owners of a company called Loop wants customers around the world to recycle and reuse. Kroger and Walgreens in the United States will help. Buy a stainless steel container of ice cream. Pay extra (a deposit) when you do. Eat the ice cream. Return the container to the Loop section at the store. Get $10 back. Loop workers will clean and sanitize the containers and return them to the ice cream company. Genesis 2:15 reminds us, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”