Welcome birds to the farm. | God's World News

Welcome birds to the farm.

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    A bare-throated tiger heron guards its nest. It lives near a rice farm in Costa Rica. (J. Nicholas Hendershot via AP)
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    This is a royal flycatcher. It lives in Costa Rica. These birds make long nests that hang from the tips of branches. (J. Nicholas Hendershot via AP)
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    This is a white-tipped sicklebill. It likes farms with flowers that match the shape of its bill. (J. Nicholas Hendershot via AP)
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    White-winged tanagers in Costa Rica make a high tweeting whistle call. (J. Nicholas Hendershot via AP)
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    A farm in Costa Rica has coffee plants growing near other plants and trees. Many kinds of animals and birds live here. (Gretchen C. Daily via AP)
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Big pineapple farms have rows of plants.  Much fruit grows.  What is missing?  Birds!

Birds can not nest well in the plants.  Farmers who grow other trees and shrubs nearby help birds.

Pray: Thank God for ways to treat people, animals, and the Earth well. We honor God when we care for what He has made.

Read More:
Scientist James Zook did a bird study for 18 years in Costa Rica. He kept records on nearly 430 tropical birds. Most of the birds thrive best in undisturbed forests. But some live on farms that are like natural forests. Farms that grow only one type of crop do not attract as many birds. Farms with shade trees, hedges, and a variety of plants give birds places to nest and plenty to eat.

“The birds of the sky nest by the waters. They sing among the branches.” (Psalm 104:12 NIV)