Welcome to the world, baby. | God's World News

Welcome to the world, baby.

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    A grown mantled guereza holds a newborn baby at the zoo in Prague, Czech Republic. (AP)
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    The new baby will grow a black coat of fur to match its parents one day. (AP)
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    Guereza monkeys live in trees near the Equator and parts of Africa and Asia. (AP)
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    The baby will grow up in a troop, but right now, it wants to stay with Mom. (AP)
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    Feeding a baby is a big job for the mom, so she has to eat too. (AP)
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Monkey aunties want to hold this pink and white baby. But it sticks close to Mom.

It is a guereza [goo-rez-ah]. It will grow shiny black fur. It will have a cape of silky white hair down its sides and tail.

READ MORE: This baby was born at the Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic in February. Wild guereza monkeys live in forests along the Equator in many countries of Africa. They usually do not come out of the trees. They eat leaves, bark, fruit, and seeds. God gave them stomachs that are able to digest all that fiber. This baby will eat solid food when it is eight or nine weeks old. God created these beautiful monkeys, and they are His. Psalm 50:10 says, “For every beast of the forest is mine.”