What a shot!
Arg. A squirrel looks stuck. Crunch. A bird crash lands. Hee. A seal grins. People won awards for the best pictures of animals.
What creatures do you see outside? What funny things do they do?
Pray: Thank God for all the animals He made. Thank Him for the ways they give us a good laugh!
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These photos are some of the winners of the 2024 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. A lizard leans on a stick. It looks like it is singing. A chimpanzee scratches its chin. Is it having deep thoughts? What is that in the pond? A frog looks like an astronaut inside its own air bubble. Glance up to a tree. A raccoon seems to be whispering secrets. Animals make us giggle. They sometimes remind us of how people act.
God made all things to praise Him. “Beasts and all livestock, creeping things and flying birds!” (Psalm 148:10)