What are those tall ice cones for? | God's World News

What are those tall ice cones for?

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    The ice towers store water. (AP)
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    Ladakh Valley is very cold and dry. (Creative Touch Imaging Ltd./NurPhoto)
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    People spray water into the air. It freezes into a cone shape. (AP)
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    Students helped build this ice tower. (University of Aberdeen)
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    This photo was taken from a plane. It shows two ice towers in the corner. (Goutam1962/CC BY-SA 4.0)
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Ladakh [laa-DAAK] Valley, India, is a dry, cold place. Farmers need water for spring crops.

Sonam W. had a wintry idea. Spray water into the air. It freezes and forms a big ice cone. The ice slowly melts in spring.

Pray: that believers will tell others that Jesus gives us living water. (John 4:13-14)

Read More: Rain to Ladakh Valley is blocked by high mountains. Farmers plant their crops in the spring. Water does not melt from mountain glaciers (thick ice and packed snow) until June. Sonam Wangchuk decided to build a tower of ice near fields. Each one stays frozen a long time. It slowly melts in April and May. The melted water helps farmers grow food for their families. Jesus tells us in John 7:37, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.”