What could help dry Africa? | God's World News

What could help dry Africa?

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    This village is in Senegal. It is very dry there. (AP/Leo Correa)
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    A girl carries a bucket of water. (AP/Leo Correa)
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    Ibrahima Fall planted an orchard. (AP/Leo Correa)
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    Mr. Fall grows limes. He sells them to earn money. (AP/Leo Correa)
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    Lime trees grow around a house. They help keep it cool. (AP/Leo Correa)
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The Sahara [seh-haar-eh] Desert is growing. Winds blow the sand. Countries in the way try to stop it.

Senegal has planted trees and shrubs in curving rows. The trees grow well in dry places. Will they stop the sand?

Pray: Ask God to help people in Africa find other ways to protect their land too.

Read More: African countries south of the world’s largest desert had an idea. Each one would plant trees to hold the desert back. But millions of trees died. Replacing them costs lots of money. People in Senegal plant orchards. These make the soil rich. Then they plant vegetables. Papaya and mango trees like the dry climate. People grow other things in their gardens. The desert stays in place. The people have food to eat. Isaiah 51:3 says, “For the Lord makes [Zion’s] desert like the garden of the Lord.”