What do you do when you are hungry? | God's World News

What do you do when you are hungry?

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    Cindy Cueto stirs a large pot of rice. She lives in Lima, Peru. (AP/Martin Mejia)
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    Cindy Cueto shops at a market. She doesn’t have much money for food. So she looks for food that doesn’t cost much. (AP/Martin Mejia)
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    People fill containers with rice. They share food with each other. (AP/Martin Mejia)
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    This stew is called called “cau cau.” (AP/Martin Mejia)
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    A mom carries a pot of food. She walks home with her son. (AP/Martin Mejia)
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Cindy Cueto lives in Peru.  Her family is poor.  It is hard to buy food.

Neighbors share what money they have.  They make soup.  They share what is in their “common pot.”

Pray: Pray for the people in your town and the world who have little to eat. Talk with your family about other ways to help hungry people.

Read More: Most people who live in Ciudad de Gosen, Peru, are poor. Rising food prices have hit them hard. Neighbors share what money they earn. They shop for items that cost very little, like cow and chicken bones, rice, and potatoes. They bring out their big pots and make soup. That is the only meal each day these people have. Isaiah 58:10 says, “If you pour yourself out for the hungry . . . then your light shall rise in the darkness.”