Where did Lilah go?
This dog went outside. She did not come home.
Her owner heard a sad yelp two days later. She was in a pipe under the road!
State Trooper Jimmy R. crawled into that pipe. He pulled Lilah out.
Pray that God will give you courage when you need to be brave.
Read More: Lilah and her owners live in the country in New York state. The 13-year-old golden retriever could not be found. Owner Rudy Fuehrer was walking his other dogs on a Sunday morning. He heard a yelp from under the road. Lilah was inside a pipe. He called 911. State troopers came to help. Trooper Jimmy Rasaphone was the smallest man. He crawled 15 feet into the pipe with a leash and pulled the dog to safety. Both were wet but unharmed. It is right to care for and protect our animals. Read Proverbs 12:10.